Project Description
Apparel & Fashion
Engagement Model
Time & Material
4 weeks
300 man-hours
Project Context and Objective
Our Client has successfully developed his Company to be one of the most successful fashion retail brands in Israel and was now keen to expand the customer base by taking orders from Palestine. He also wanted to optimize the website, set up a user subscription feature, and design and implement a customer loyalty program that will reward customers for repeat purchases. All this required several customizations
on the Magento platform.

Delivered Solution

Newsletter signup integrated with a reward system
We undertook a complete re design of the standard newsletter signup algorithm.As per the new algorithm, when a site visitor signs up for the newsletter, the system automatically creates a reward account for this user, and bonus points are awardedto this account.
This involved a complete backend development, customization of the page layout as well as cross platform and cross-browser support to ensure that the page performs consistently and seamlessly across operating systems and browsers.An additional functionality was added that allowed the user to subscribe to the mailing list from the checkout page and the user s account. All of these steps helped enhance customer loyalty.
Checkout page customized for orders from Palestine
Selling in the Palestinian market has its own specifics and nuances. The client approached the Magedia team with the request to design and develop a custom checkout process, both front-end and back-end, for the Palestinian market. The first step was to set up a system to automatically identify the site user’s location using his/her IP address. The objective was to show a customized checkout page to all customers from Palestine.
To have full control over the entire selling process in Palestine, the client asked us to develop the checkout page with bare minimum options for both payment and delivery of goods. One payment method and one shipping option was built-in into the page thereby giving the checkout page a fully customized user interface design. Also the order fulfillment and shipping were customized. All these steps allowed the client to take full control of the selling process in Palestine, while limiting the number of fraudulent and disrupted transactions.
Newsletter signup integrated with a reward system
We undertook a complete re design of the standard newsletter signup algorithm.As per the new algorithm, when a site visitor signs up for the newsletter, the system automatically creates a reward account for this user, and bonus points are awardedto this account. This involved a complete backend development, customization of the page layout as well as cross platform and cross-browser support to ensure that the page performs consistently and seamlessly across operating systems and browsers.An additional functionality was added that allowed the user to subscribe to the mailing list from the checkout page and the user s account. All of these steps helped enhance customer loyalty.Checkout page customized for orders from Palestine
Selling in the Palestinian market has its own specifics and nuances. The client approached the Magedia team with the request to design and develop a custom checkout process, both front-end and back-end, for the Palestinian market. The first step was to set up a system to automatically identify the site user's location using his/her IP address. The objective was to show a customized checkout page to all customers from Palestine. To have full control over the entire selling process in Palestine, the client asked us to develop the checkout page with bare minimum options for both payment and delivery of goods. One payment method and one shipping option was built-in into the page thereby giving the checkout page a fully customized user interface design. Also the order fulfillment and shipping were customized. All these steps allowed the client to take full control of the selling process in Palestine, while limiting the number of fraudulent and disrupted transactions.Project Process and Methodology
Two Magento Developers from the Magedia team were identified to work on the project along with the Client s IT team. They were managed by a Project Manager from the Client s side who set the scope for the project. To ensure transparency, the team decided to adopt the Kanban methodology for the project as it is responsive to the changes that keep appearing as the project progresses. This helped the team to be flexible while setting priorities and stick to short cycle times to deliver the features planned. With this approach, the client could see quick results on the project.
With the teams operating in different locations and time zones, it was critical to have an effective communication process in place. Collaboration tools like Jira and various communication tools like voice and video conferencing were used to ensure that the teams were
aligned throughout the project implementation phase. These efforts were supplemented with daily meeting and progress reports that helped the teams to take stock, set realistic targets and be up to date on the progress achieved so far.
The solution developed was carefully tested at all stages before handing over to the client. It helped ensure 100% quality. Also, the
Magedia team was involved in DevOps practices implementation. This included administration work as well as setting up instances, their
deployment and resolution of issues if any. The team also helped with docker configuration updates.

Key Features and Highlights

- The client started accepting orders from Palestine
- The newsletter sign up process was improved and integrated with the reward system
- The client was able to improve the marketing efforts with customer promotions using the newsletter
- The entry into the Palestinian market, as well as website improvements, helped increase the customer base
- The various site improvements and market expansion efforts led toan increase in sales
- The client was able to improve the site stability and effectively handle a surge in sales
- Site improvements have helped to keep the site secure even during peak sales days
Project Results
The client appreciated the Magedia team’s ability to develop solutions fast and stick to the time schedules set at the start of the project. The new features were developed under tight deadlines and required the teams to collaborate closely and efficiently. A transparent communication process is one factor that contributed to the success of the project.It helped the teams identify discrepancies in requirements or designs developed and efficiently resolve them.The updated website has been launched and currently attracts more than 600,000 visitors every month. Magedia s team continues to be associated with the project and is working on delivering new functionality enhancements and providing quality assurance services and continuous support.
Read what the Clients CTO says about Magedia
Technology Stack
Platform Magento 1
Web server Nginx
Languages PHP 5
services Newrelic, Rancher
Testing tools Browserstack
Frontend HTML,CSS
Database MySQL
Other Tools and Technologies Amazon services, Elasticsearch,Redis, Memcache, Docker