Project Description
Engagement Model
Time & Material
3 years
80 man-months
Business Challenge

The client approached the Magedia team with the requirement to significantly improve the functionality of their website by improving the built-in processes and systems. The second requirement was to come up with a user-friendly solution for the florists which is simple and will reduce their effort in managing their stores. This involved complex integrations with 3rd-party systems and Magento customization. The solution we developed allowed the florists to sell their products in a much smarter way, boost their sales, and increase income.
From the project beginning, we started working with the Client on small maintenance projects (slight theme customization for florists,simple import and export operations, specific issues research,customer support, etc.). After our team successfully demonstrated our competence and skills we were assigned more complex technical projects like integration with 3rd-party services (Salesforce,Quickbooks, local payment services etc.) as well as redesigning certain platform functionality to optimize its performance. All work has been done to increase platform performance and stability as well as maintain the order fulfillment KPIs set.
Magedia’s Differentiators

Our Work Process
Our ability to work remotely, commitment to meet deadlines set,and winning work methodologies adopted are a few reasons why we were chosen to work on this project. At Magedia we understand that communication is key to the success of any project. So we decided to set up a proper communication process between the Magedia team and the Client s team with the help of the following channels: Slack, Emails, Google
Hangouts meeting, and JIRA, an advanced project management tool with flexible settings, integrations with 3rd-party systems, task analytics and so on. All these helped us to collaborate smoothly and efficiently ensuring the success of the project.
Our Team
At Magedia we understand the importance of teamwork. We assigned three Magento backend developers to the project and they worked along with the client s IT team under a project manager. To make the collaborative process a success we used the Scrum methodology which allowed us to plan certain iterations in the development work in a better way and deliver features in a short time. Following Scrum process practices, we used JIRA with corresponding plugins to plan, track, and analyze the development stages.

Key Highlights of the Delivered Solution
The Magedia team added the following functionalities to the website which enhanced the end-users shopping experience, optimized the efforts of florists, and significantly improved the website performance.
Hypertickets feature for customized invoicing with the seller’s logo, picture, etc. was developed. The advantage of Hypertickets is that it can be customized with HTML/CSS editor and allows the seller to promote his brand. Additionally, an option was developed to automatically generate invoices in PDF format to be sent out along with the order confirmation mail.
Solution Benefits

- ‘Favorite list’ feature that allows customers to save items they like for future purchase
- Integration with Elasticsearch – an effective search solution that enables quick and easy search of products on the marketplace.
- Integration with Quickbooks accounting system allows the sellers to synchronize all the financial operations within the marketplace. The ultimate benefit is that they can see their income and prepare various financial reports in one place.
- Integration with Salesforce as a 3rd-party CRM and ERP system for florists accounts
- ‘Tipping feature’ that allows customers to add a tip to the invoice amount as an appreciation for services rendered.
- Hyperticket feature to customize invoices and order confirmation documents.
- Magento integration with RabbitMQ was done to create a queue for orders so that the sellers can fulfill them asynchronously. This allows eliminating the time-out issues on the marketplace which existed before this integration.
Business Value
By partnering with Magedia, our Client was able to significantly improve the functionality of his site and attract more florists to the platform. The optimized back-office processes, integration with highly specialized 3rd-party systems, and features that simplify florists work have all helped to rope in more sellers on the platform. The increased base of florists on the marketplace has helped our Client to further strengthen his position in the flower market and increase his income manifold.

Benefits for Client
- Improvement and optimization of back-office processes
- An increase in the number of orders
- An accelerated order fulfillment process
- The development of new features was time-bound and based on Magento development best practices
End user benefits
- Faster order processing
- Increased site speed and performance
- Website pages that display correctly on a variety of devices – thanks to the responsive design
- The possibility to add a tip to the invoice amount and acknowledge the great service provided (a brand new feature)
- Ability to create a Favorite list and also see the product bestsellers
Read what the Clients CTO says about Magedia
Technology Stack
Platform Magento 1
Languages PHP 5,7
Framework PHPUnit
Web server Apache 2
Database MySQL
Testing tools JMeter,Browserstackk
Frontend HTML, Sass,Less, KnockoutJS
Other Tools and Technologies Redis, RabbitMQ,, Newrelic,Elasticsearch